2012年7月31日 星期二

My Facebook Timeline

My Facebook Timeline

Over the past month, to coincide with two huge protest marches in Hong Kong, I have posted quite a number of images, with captions, onto the Timeline of my Facebook webpage. Some of the images are selected and uploaded here for those who might have missed what I have posted on FB.

七一 今年的七一遊行,規模幾乎可與2003年的七一相比。July 1 The day's event reminded me of the protest march on 1 July 2003.

「七月的烈燄」: 2003年7月1日是一個很不尋常的日子。那一天,我們創造了歷史。超過五十萬人,頂着酷暑,上街示威。(「七一系列」之一。從今天起,陸續上載。)
The Flames of July: On 1 July 2003, a remarkable day, Hong Kong people made history: in scorching heat, more than half a million people took to the streets. (This is the first piece of the 'July 1' series. More will be posted here.)

一家四口: 那年的七一,在烈日下,是數之不盡的黑衣服和紅臉孔。
A Family Event: It was a protest of all in black. People marching in black created a new visual icon for Hong Kong.

韶顏: 那時候,一場奪命疫症剛剛結束,但來勢汹汹的第23條草案仍陰霾密佈......
Glowing Faces: ...We went through a deadly epidemic, but were still haunted by the Article 23 related bill which posed a threat to freedom of expression.

!!! - 畫面是一群年輕人,畫題是三個感嘆號。有一提議是,可題為「人在幹,天在看」。
!!! - A group of young protesters. Seeing that the piece of work was only given three exclaimation marks, a friend suggested that it should be entitled "Heaven's watching what we're doing".

一致行動: 人們憤怒了,推輪椅也要上街。與其說那是「傷健同行」,不如說是「傷疲盡起」。今年,人們只是更加憤怒了。
A United Effort: People were angry then. Even those wheelchair-bound joined in. After nine years, people are angrier now.

並肩: 幾代人走出來,表達他們的憤懣。那時候的小孩,現在已成長了,今年在遊行中會與他們再次並肩。
Side by Side: People young and old showed up to voice their anger and disappoinment. The then young kids have grown up now. You will march again side by side with them this year.

「為什麼?」- 遊行進行中,警察起了某種作用。可是這些年來,警方大大小小的動作明顯是愈來愈多了。人們都會問:"這是為什麼?"
"Why?" - During all protest marches, the police play a role. It's obvious that they have been getting more and more restless over these years. Why?

活劇: 那年的大遊行之後,撐了兩年,撐出了這個景象。(明天上載的圖片,會給我們很多七一要上街的理由,一個比一個強烈。)
Melodrama: The mass protest in 2003 made a difference. That's what happened after two years. (The images uploaded tomorrow will give us many reasons to take to the streets on July 1, one stronger than the other.)

傀儡: 第一個是全不濟事,第二個是做盡糗事,跟着的一個只帶來一片昏黑。因此,七一上街是迫出來的。
The Stooges: The first one gained notoriety for failing to do everything, the second one for doing all the nasty things, and the third one for bringing only darkness. So, let's take to the streets on July 1.

上街! - 令人憤慨的事太多了!今天應該做的就是上街!
Right On! - So much has happened so far! Today, let's come out to show that we are raged!

A comment to the images I posted says: "Sad in a way..." That reminds me of the words I have quoted before: "If there are still men in the world who really want to live on, they must first dare to speak, laugh, rage at, revile, fight, and defeat this accursed age in this accursed place!" ("Sudden Notion" by Lu Xun, translated by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang)(I would to like say 'thank you' to all the friends who liked the series over the past week.)

Joint action against 'National Education', the brainwashing school curriculum



