2009年11月10日 星期二

通訊Newsletter – November 11, 2009

畫冊 ── 我家我城:人與歷史



司徒華 (退休教育工作者及工會領導,前立法會議員)
程翔 (資深新聞工作者)
崔少明 (退隱傳媒人,專欄作家)
麥洛新 (退休社會工作者,時事評論員)
洪清田 ( 評論員,香港學建構者)
莫昭如 (戲劇及文化工作者)
劉山青 (活動家)
黎則奮 (時事評論員)
陳培生 (退休出版工作者)
吳瑞卿 (翻譯,作家 -- 三藩市)
廖淦標 (大學教授,古風暴學開創者 -- 美國路易士安納州巴吞魯日)
趙仕鴻 (會計師 -- 紐約)
黃子程 (大學教授,專欄作家)
李怡 (資深新聞工作者,專欄作家)
楊森 (大學教授,前立法會議員)
劉慧卿 (立法會議員,民主黨副主席,中國維權律師關注組副主席)
尊子 (漫畫家)
周錫輝 (退休校長,太極師傅)
雷競璇、黃愛玲 (歷史學家及電影史研究員)
徐慈恩 (線上科學教育工作者)
陸恭蕙 (智庫成員)
畢浩明 (資訊科技公司東主)
吳崇文 (醫生)
陸恭蕙 思匯政策研究所行政總裁
黃燕芳 香港大學美術博物館館長(歷史)
陳韜文 香港中文大學新聞與傳播學院講座教授
方蘇 (家史及老朋友)

*海外:請寄來HK$85的支票(包括空郵郵費HK$34.10至37.10在內),抬頭付「楊方創作室」, 並附可容A4規格印刷品的封套,清楚寫上郵寄地址。抱歉非港幣支票未能受理。如台端未有港幣銀行戶口,煩請通知在港友人代為訂購。

MY FAMILY and MY CITY: People and History
Full Catalogue Available/Mail Orders Welcome

Did you see the exhibition
MY FAMILY and MY CITY: People and History
Paintings and woodcuts by Fong So?

Yes or no, the catalogue of this collection is itself a collectable. It is a historical record that can be kept for a long long time.

It's a bilingual publication with:-
*Colour plates of all 30 artworks
*Short notes or reminiscences written by long-time friends portrayed in this collection
Szeto Wah (retired educator and unionist, former Legislative Council member)
Ching Cheong (veteran journalist)
Tsui Sio Ming (retired media worker, columnist)
Mak Lok-sun (retired social worker, current affairs commentator)
Hung Ching-tin (commentator, architect of Hongkongology)
Mok Chiu-yu (theatre and culture worker)
Lau San-ching (activist)
Lai Chak Fun (current affairs commentator)
Chan Pui Sang (retired publishing worker)
Sonia Ng (writer, interpreter, writer - San Francisco)
Kam-biu Liu (university professor, founder of paleotempestology - Baton Rogue, Louisiana)
Ricky Chiu See-hung (accountant – New York)
Wong Chi Ching (university professor, columnist)
Lee Yee (veteran journalist, columnist)
Yeung Sum (university professor, former Legislative Council member)
Emily Lau Wai-hing (Legislative Council member, vice-chairperson of the Democratic Party and vice-chairperson of the China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group)
Zunzi (cartoonist)
Chow Shek-fai (retired school headmaster, Taiji master)
Louie Kin-sheun & Wong Ain-ling (historian and film history researcher)
Chi-Yan Tsui (online science educator)
Christine Loh (think-tank member)
But Ho Ming (owner of IT firm)
Anthony Ng (medical practitioner)
Apollo Wu, Szeto Wah, Lee Yee, Fung Yee-wang, Christopher C. Chan,
K.T. Chan, Pun Tin Chi, Wang Tat-yan, S.P. Ha
*Foreword by
Christine Loh, CEO, Civic Exchange, Hong Kong's independent think-tank
*Catalogue essays by
Anita Y.F. Wong, Curator (History), University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
Joseph M. Chan, Professor of Journalism and Communication, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
*Recollections and reflections
The artist's family and long-time friends

Mail order: (Retail price HK$60 per copy, mail order HK$50 per copy. Please send your order to Fong & Yeung Studio, GPO Box 342, Hong Kong.)
*Local (Hong Kong): Send a HK$50 cheque payable to Fong & Yeung Studio and an A4 size envelope with your postal address (please PRINT) and postage (HK$8.20 stamps).
*Overseas: Send a HK$85 cheque (airmail postage HK$34.10 to 37.10 included) and an A4 size envelope with your postal address. Sorry we can't proceed with non-HK$ cheques. If you don't have a HK$ bank account, please ask a friend in Hong Kong to do the mail order for you.
